Meet The Therapy Hub Team
Braden is a Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist and Biomechanics Coach. Having been a therapist at several World’s Strongest Man event, he specialises in the following treatment modalities: Medical Acupuncture, Dry Cupping, IASTM, Spinal Manipulation, Biomechanics, Foot, hand and Face deep tissue massage.
Beth graduated as a Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist from Sports Massage Academy, the UK’s leading provider for professional Sports Massage courses and Continuing Professional Development.
She has 8+ years of strength and conditioning experience coming from a weightlifting background that started off as powerlifting which then progressed into bodybuilding. She is also qualified in dry cupping, instrument assisted massage and deep tissue massage of the face, hands and wrist.
Nic, owner of Ashfield Sports Massage, is a level 3 Sports Massage Therapist. Graduating from Sports Massage Academy, the UK’s leading provider for professional sports massage courses and continuing professional development.
Nic comes from a background in Equine Sport, which gave her the knowledge and understanding of how the human body works under pressure, movement and the effects this has on performance. This is reflective on any sport or even day-to-day tasks and job roles.
Where To Find The Therapy Hub
Therapy Hub,
Unit 20,
Kings Mill Way,
NG18 5ER.
On site parking is available
What Is Sports Massage?
Massage is defined as “the rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints of the body with the hands”. Sports massage takes this one step further and uses specially taught techniques to release muscle tension and areas of pain.
Sports massage uses massage to manipulate soft tissue throughout the body.
Soft tissue is connective tissue that has not hardened into bone and cartilage; it includes skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (a form of connective tissue that lines and sheathes the other soft tissues).
Trauma, strenuous physical activity or repetitive strain (such as bad posture or sitting at a desk for hours) can all lead to soft tissue dysfunction and imbalances. Sports massage is a great way to alleviate pain, correct dysfunction and to prevent injury.